Poetry from the soul.

Wednesday 8 December 2021


I'm so tired of being angry
Angry at this and that and them.
I'm so tired of being the annoying voice
Whose screams become the wind.

I'm tired of telling you about inequality
How we leapt backwards since man (yes men) stepped on the moon.
I'm tired of telling you about real incomes
How they haven't moved since five prime ministers ago.

I'm tired of telling you about climate change
How we can't fool the atmosphere like you fool the news.
I'm tired of telling you about superbugs
How they will kill more than are in London each spin round the sun.

I'm tired of your Babels
Your idols and vain contempt
Your belief that history will change as you sit on your arse.

I'm tired by you who think Gen Z will save it all
Hoping their passion will excuse your inaction.
I'm tired of you who fear imaginary postmodern Marxists
Hoping to crucify those with a dream as 'woke'.

I'm so tired of being angry
Angry at this and that and them.
Yet a sin it is to keep calm and carry on
To pretend like Newcastle FC it's all okay.
So yes I'll flip those tables
And this next one I'll flip for you x

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